Ultimate Night Environment 2007



FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


1. How will this add-on interact with payware airports as I have many of them and am a little worried that they might not all be compatible with your package. A lot of the add on airports have gone to great trouble to make the night textures very realistic and just feel that your package could upset this! Can you shed any light on this?

Our airport textures only affect the DEFAULT airports throughout the world. The grand majority of payware and 3rd party airports come with their own night and day textures. Therefore, any payware or 3rd party airports you may have installed will not be affected at all by our textures.

So you can be rest assured that our textures will not interfere with the textures of your add-on airports :-)


2. Is your product compatible with Ultimate Terrain?

Yes, our add-on is compatible with Ultimate Terrain. Since our textures are very detailed, some UT users like to turn off the 3D lights and instead have auto-gen buildings. It's just a matter of taste, though. Some people like our textures combined with UT's 3D lights. Others like to turn them off and have the auto-gen buildings (which we have enhanced)



3. Is the entire world depicted with night lighting or just certain cities and towns? 


Our add-on will enhance night lighting for ALL cities and towns throughout the world.




4. Does your software conflict with any other add-on - scenery or otherwise?


Our product is compatible with add-ons like Ultimate Terrain, Fscene, Mega Scenery and pretty much any add-on.




5. I have “x” VFR scenery add-on. There are no lights at night in the area my VFR scenery covers. If I install your add-on will that area be lighted up?


Unfortunately there are some VFR sceneries out there that come with day textures only. This means that when you fly at night over the area your VFR scenery covers you don’t see anything. Once you install our product you still won’t see any lighting in that area. The only way is to temporarily disable your VFR scenery in the scenery library.


However, once you fly out of the area your VFR scenery covers, you will see our lighting.




6. I have a ton of add-ons and I’m worried that your add-on will not work or interfere with one of my add-ons.

Our product is compatible with Megascenery, Ultimate Terrain, FScene, and pretty much any add-on.

Let’s put it this way, if your sceneries and other add-ons are compatible with the default night textures, our product will work perfectly. This is because our product replaces all the default night textures with ours.

To be sure, just fly at night over the area you are concerned about. If you see the default night textures, then you can be rest assured that our textures will work without any problem.


7. Does your product affect frame rates at all?

Our product is frame rate friendly. You will still get the same frame rates you are getting now.


8. Will your textures overwrite any existing add-ons like scenery and airports that I have installed?

Again, our textures only affect the default night textures. They will not affect any 3rd party add-ons in any negative way.


9. How do I uninstall your product? I can’t seem to find an uninstall option.

Our product overwrites the default night textures. If there was an uninstall option, all of the night textures would be deleted. This would leave Flight Simulator without any night textures. Thus, making FS unusable.

If you need to uninstall our product, please contact us so we can send you a program that automatically restores the default night textures.

To serve you better, please provide your order number and also tell us in which site you bought our product.


10. If there is a problem will a patch be supplied at no cost or will there be a fee?  

If we release any patches or updates they will all be available at no cost.


11. Where can I contact you for tech support or if I have a question, comment or concern regarding this product?

You can contact us at Support@zinertek.com